March ’17- Microgreens

How to grow MicroGreens for Fun & Profit 😉 Last month, HUG member James Hinton talked to us about the benefits of microgreens & about his new microgreen business Life Extension Organics. Microgreens are baby plants, harvested right about when they sprout their first true leaves. They differ from sprouts in that sprouts are harvested […]

Feb ’17-Your Spring/Summer Garden w/ the Demeny’s

Mary & Roger are back again with their tips on successful gardening & your spring & summer garden.  How many of you started your tomato seeds as instructed in December?  Well, now & over the next few months, it’s time to start quite a few of our summer crops.  And who wants to bet me […]

Jan ’17- Winter Farming in Houston w/ Tommy Garcia-Prats

The Monday after our first hard freeze in 4 years, Tommy Garcia-Prats of  spoke to us about his experience & progress as a new young farmer after 2 1/2 years at Finca Tres Robles urban farm in Houston’s Eastside. Tommy spoke about his mission to prove farming is an economically viable enterprise that provides great value to the […]

Ray Sher on Foodscaping Your Home

Ray Sher led a conversation about Foodscaping our homes, followed by some basics of healthy soil. Ray grows a lot of food at his home in a nicely Foodcaped yard filled with fruit trees and vegetable growing beds all around his corner lot.  Except in his back yard, all beds are wavy, flowing natural shapes which is what […]

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Sep ’16-Seed Saving with Urban Gardener Cavenaugh Nweze

Urban gardener & Third Ward community organizer Cavenaugh Nweze of Divine Leaders Inc. taught us about Seed Saving, shared some locally-saved seed and his DIG for Victory & other pro-gardening for self-sufficiency posters. Victory Gardens Cavenaugh started off talking about the Victory Gardens of the WWII & depression area that inspire him to spread home growing gardening for […]

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Salad of foraged garden weeds.

Aug ’16- Tossed Salad: Edible Weeds You’ve Been Throwing Out!

Mark Vorderbruggen, aka Merriwether, spends his weekends exploring the wilds of Houston. Since the Fall of 2008, he’s been teaching teaching edible wild plant classes at the Houston Arboretum and other parks and nature preserves around Texas. His website,, contains the names and pictures of edible wild plants found in the surprisingly large tracts of […]

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In Memory of Laurel

Our leader, Laurel Smith, passed away on June 23, 2016, after a long struggle with cancer. Laurel focused her knowledge and passion to increase awareness of the connection between people and their world by helping others understand where their food comes from and how to nurture a sustainable environment. First with Urban Harvest, serving as […]

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